Cookie policy

This website is using cookies in order to provide web services, marketing systems and functionalities that require such software. By visiting and using this website you accept cookies.

1. About Cookies

Cookies are not new. Every website visitor already has on his personal computer, tab or smart phone a lot of cookies from different web pages. The new thing is that with the new legislation (ZEKom-1) some changes have been made in the notification and visitor’s acceptance with the cookies.

2. What are cookies?​

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user's previous activity, thereby distinguishing the user from others using the site. Cookies are under control of the user’s browser – saving cookies can be restricted or prohibited. Cookies are not harmful and they are always time-limited.

3. Why are cookies needed?

Cookies are fundamental to providing a user friendly web services. The interaction between user and the web site is far quicker and easier by using cookies. With the help of cookies the web site remembers user’s preferences and experiences which saves time and makes website surfing more effective and user friendly. 

4. Disabling cookies

It’s up to you whether you'll allow cookies on your device. You can supervise and change your cookie settings in your web browser. For additional information about cookies choose the web browser you are currently using.




Internet Explorer
